SEEN #9: Tanja Isbarn & Lola Diaz Cantoni
Friday May 19 | 20.00 – 23.00 | Free entrance
Immerse yourself into a multi-sensorial evening experience during SEEN #9 guided by Tanja Isbarn & Lola Diaz Cantoni at WEP.
For their first collaboration, Tanja and Lola have been exchanging and exploring common fascinations in both, their personal and artistic practices. After long conversations, email exchanges, and studio visits, they will be presenting a (new) work in which visitors will be invited to contribute their presence as well as memories and experiences connected to food throughout their life. The bite of the other(s) will build up to one Gesamtkunstwerk in the project space at WEP. Lola and Tanja are thrilled by interconnectivity. Without you, the visitor, their work won’t be complete.
We look forward to seeing and sharing it with you, Lola & Tanja.
WEP, Van Leeuwenhoekstraat 40, Groningen
For further information on the artist’s practices visit www.loladiazcantoni.com & www.tanjaisbarn.com
This is an edition of SEEN, a stage for (visual) art, music and everything in between. More info…
Images: Tanja Isbarn & Lola Diaz Cantoni.